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This blog is made to accomplish the BASIC ESSAY WRITING assignment with Mr. Dave Segoh as the lecturer.

Senin, 10 Januari 2011

Outline of Cause-Effect Essay Our Mood is Linked to the Weather

THEME: Weather
TITLE: Our Mood is Linked to the Weather

General statement       : Yes, the weather affects our mood
Thesis Statement         : On the other hand, there are some major evidence that
strengthen the probability that the weather affects our mood

Paragraph 1
Topic Sentence            : A bright and sunny day can bring us to be energetic and
fired up.
Supporting ideas         : bright sun -> good day
Supporting ideas         : Good day -> good mood
Concluding sentence   : Days like these make people think that their life is
Paragraph 2
Topic Sentence            : While a bright day brings a good mood, a very hot
temperature causes people to be bad-tempered
Supporting ideas         : very hot -> in a rush to get everything done
Supporting ideas         : in a rush to get everything done -> grumpy / irritated
Concluding sentence   : These times are called bad days
Paragraph 3
Topic Sentence            : A cloudy or even rainy day invites laziness and gloom to
the heart
Supporting ideas         : cloudy -> dark -> body alarm to get rest -> lazy
Supporting ideas         : Rain -> power to recall the sad past -> gloomy,
Concluding sentence   : Those conditions often lead to the depression and

Topic statement           : The evidence strengthen that the weather is surely
affecting our mood
Summary (phrase)       : - happy and alive in sunny day
                                    - grumpy in very hot day
                                    - sad in rainy/cloudy day

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