Which Is Better, Friendster Vs Facebook?
Did you ever hear about friendster and facebook? I’m sure that you are quite familiar with these two names of social network. And what do you think when you read the title above? Actually, ain’t trying to make a good name or a bad name for those two kinds of social network, I just want to make some comparison and contrast with them. They are two popular social networks that have the largest number of members at their time. Although these two kinds of social network, but there are some differences and similarities between them that can be consider as the plus or minus points.
The first difference between friendster and facebook is the year released. Some of you maybe know about this, but I just try to remind you again. Friendster are released first in early 2005 and it became popular during 2005-2008, while facebook released in the end of 2008 and actually it replace the existence and the popularity of friendster. Nowadays, facebook becomes more popular than friendster, because we know that the new released must be the coolest one.
Then, the other thing that differ friendster from facebook is notification features. In friendster, there are notification feature that doesn’t exist in facebook. For example, “who have seen our profile” link that can shows who have seen our profile or even who have been downloaded our photos in our profile. But, in facebook, we are served with more features that can help us to be closer with our friends, relatives, family, or someone. For example, like and comment feature that allow us to like and give our thumb to someone status, tag photos features that allow us to tag some people that exist in our photos, sibling features that allow us to send sibling requests to our friends, play online game that provide for facebook users, birthday’s reminder that allow us to know if our friends are having a birthday today, etc.
Although friendster and facebook have many differences, they are also have some similarities, too.
The first similarity between friendster and facebook are the provider’s purpose. As we know that someone invented something always for some reasons. We can also find it in these two kinds of social network. These two social networks actually have the same purpose when they are released. Like the other social network, it was designed for instant use of people that don’t have much time to socialize with community or his/her family, even friends. As we know, that many developed countries in the world such as, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, and the other Asian countries, have a huge amount of internet connection capability. It means that internet connection is easy and quite cheap to get in this country. So, they can use these two social networks to keep-in-touch with old friends or maybe their relatives, and so on.
We can also find the similarity between them in friendster and facebok user’s profile. When we are logged in these two kinds of social network, and open our profile, the appearance is almost the same. We’ll see our profile picture that divided into some albums, see your backgrounds in education and work, what you are interested in, hobbies, born date, and etc. It shows that actually the basic information feature of the users of these two kinds of social network are almost the same.
Although friendster and facebook as social networks that created by Western people have some differences and similarities, it was being the most popular networks at their time. Being realized or not, most of us are usually spend our time just to open it for a seconds. It has been our part of life, being networking society and being active in social networking especially for the teenager, they will spend much more time to “online” than the other people. Do social networking is good, but spend too much time on it will be a waste. Social networking is better than doing nothing, but education, work, holiday, and the other activity in the “real world” is the most important things.
fs launched Maret 22, 2002 and fb launched Februari 4, 2004
BalasHapus*see on Wikipedia ;)
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